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Graston Therapy In Essex, VT

Graston Therapy In Essex, VT

The main goals of chiropractic care and Myofascial release therapy are to increase mobility and reduce pain. To better serve our patients with soft tissue damage, Invictus Chiropractic is now offering The Graston Technique as a treatment option.

What is the Graston Tehcnique?

The Graston Technique is a form of soft-tissue, instrument-assisted mobilization. Though similar to the more widely known active release technique (ART), Graston technique professionals use six rounded stainless steel tools that are convex-shaped and concave to first detect areas of soft tissue damage and then treat them. Your practitioner will use these tools to brush, rub, or scrape against the grain of the scar tissue to break down, stretch, and rearrange the tissue itself. When successful, this results in both improved motion and reduced pain from soft-tissue injuries.

Dr. Jason Davila performing Activator technique

Benefits: Breaks Up Soft Tissue

A muscle strain or torn ligament in the back might not sound serious, but to someone who suffers from them, the pain can be unbearable. Soft-tissue injuries often render the patient unable to move or go about their work or other daily activities. Treating such an injury with the Graston Technique gives fast results, reducing the amount of time the patient is in treatment and allowing them to recover quickly. Patients have had success treating conditions they believed were permanent. The Graston Technique may be used alongside other treatments for injuries and may reduce the need for, and frequency of, anti-inflammatory medications.

Factors To Consider

While the Graston Technique can be used for patients with many different types of soft tissue injuries, this treatment is not for everyone. The Graston Technique should also be avoided in areas with open wounds.

Where on Your Body Can You Use Graston Therapy?

The massage movements and tools of the Graston Technique work well on many areas of the body. The most popular applications of Graston Myofascial release therapy include:

  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Elbows
  • Wrists
  • Knees


  • Golfers elbow
  • tennis elbow
  • achilles tendinosis
  • patellar tendinosis

Fascial syndromes:

  • plantar fasciitis
  • IT band syndrome
  • Chronic compartment syndrome
  • trigger finger

Ligament pain syndromes:

  • MCL/LCL Sprain
  • ankle sprains
  • coronary ligament sprains
  • ac ligament sprains
  • ulnar collateral sprains

Scar tissue/adhesions:

  • post surgical
  • traumatic


  • carpal/tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • ulnar entrapment
  • thoracic outlet syndrome

Instruments Used

Graston therapy Incorporates the use of six specifically designed stainless steel instruments to aid the clinician in the detection and treatment of soft tissue dysfunction.

What To Expect

Depending on the type, severity, and location of the injury, the Graston Technique may require between 1 and 10 visits to complete. The practitioner may warm up the injured area with heat before beginning. The practitioner will then rub the affected area with the stainless steel instruments for 8 to 10 minutes per session and 3 to 5 minutes per region and muscle group. Some discomfort may occur during the procedure, but it should not be excruciating. Make sure to let your practitioner know if you experience pain.


Because the Graston technique involves manual manipulation of the injured areas, patients may experience soreness and bruising immediately following treatment. Bruising is due to increased fibroblasctic activity in the blood to expeditate the healing process and making chiropractic adjustments more effective. This discomfort can be eased with 15 to 20 minutes of ice application to the affected area after your appointment. Some patients also notice petechiae, or tiny red spots, on the skin, but these are temporary and should fade shortly.

Schedule Today!

If you have soft tissue injuries that are causing you pain or limiting your range of motion, you do not have to accept suffering. Contact Invictus Chiropractic today to see whether the Graston Technique may work for you!