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Sports Chiropractic Care in Essex Junction

What is a Sports Chiropractor?

You do not have to be a competitive athlete to benefit from the services of a sports chiropractor, but this subspecialty of chiropractic medicine does focus on the musculoskeletal injuries that are most often the result of playing sports.

Read more about how the doctors at Invictus Chiropractic turned their pain into a healing process for others.

What types of injuries can benefit from chiropractic sports therapy?

Sports chiropractors are specially trained to recognize, diagnose, and treat the most common types of sports injuries. Chiropractic is most often associated with back pain, but athletic chiropractors deal with musculoskeletal issues all over the body. The majority of sports injuries fit into one or more of the following categories:

  • Shin Splints
  • Sprains And Strains
  • Swollen Muscles
  • Knee Injuries
  • Achilles Tendon Injuries

Athletic Chiropractor Techniques

Spinal Manipulation: The most commonly used chiropractic technique, spinal manipulation is fairly straightforward. The sports chiropractor places the patient in different positions allowing access to the injury, using their specialized knowledge of sports injuries to release pressure in the joints.
Myofascial Release: Overuse and injury of muscles cause scar tissue to build up, limiting mobility. Graston Therapy in Essex VT uses special tools to break up the soft tissue and increase the range of movement quickly and effectively.


Professional athletes do not usually have the luxury of time to recuperate from serious injuries. Being on bed rest or in a cast results in missed games, practices, and training sessions. Drug treatments are not preferred either, as they can cause side effects or dependence that affect the player’s game. An athletic chiropractor takes a holistic approach to pain relief that relies on the body’s own ability to heal itself, with a little professional help.

What To Expect

Your first visit to a sports chiropractor will be much like seeing any other medical professional. Your doctor will take some medical history and learn more about your lifestyle habits, including your sports practices. He or she will ask about the location, severity, and duration of your pain and attempt to assess the cause. A physical exam will provide more details and tests such as x-rays may be ordered. A potential treatment plan will be created to decrease pain and increase mobility. Subsequent visits may involve one or more of the above techniques, in duration ranging from 5 to 45 minutes, depending on the services received.


Aftercare is a crucial component of any chiropractic treatment. Your doctor will provide you with any specific instructions following particular techniques, but some basic principles apply to all sports chiropractic treatments. You should take it a bit easy right after your appointment to allow time for your body to adjust, but do not remain entirely sedentary. Athletic chiropractors assist patients in preventing injuries and your doctor may give you some exercises to do at home. It is also important to stay hydrated to enhance the healing process.

Start Recovering And Schedule Sports Chiropractic In Essex VT

Pain does not have to be a regular part of being an athlete. The professionals at Invictus Chiropractic are here to provide a natural alternative to drug interventions and surgeries. Learn more about how we can help you prevent and recover from injuries faster.